Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 8/12/09

Amended and Approved on 9/2/09



Planning Board Attendees

Paul Lauenstein, Chair 

Susan Price, Vice Chair

Eli Hauser

Amanda Sloan  - absent 

David Milowe, Clerk 



Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer, Consultant



Andy Nebenzhal



Sign Permit

Andy Nebenzhal, owner of 1 Post Office Square which contains Coldwell Banker, Sharon Optical and other office space, stated that he wants to install three awnings on his property. The three awnings include one above the front door of Sharon Optical, one to replace the Coldwell Banker awning and a third awning on the other Coldwell Banker window. As he wants to distinguish his property from the neighboring properties like French Memories, which has green awnings, Mr. Nebenzhal will install blue awnings but of the same style. Mr. Nebenzhal also wants to put a directional sign in white lettering on the front door of his law office which will point to the entrance around the back of the building. The Board entered into discussion. 


Ms. Price moved to approve the application to add three navy blue awnings to Mr. Nebenzhal’s property at 1-5 North Main Street under section 6330 of the Zoning Bylaws as a project of low impact, and to waive the requirement for a full site plan as per section 6333, due to the simple circumstances of the application. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Ms. Price moved to approve the sign permit as submitted to Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain, by Andy Nebenzhal. The Board also authorized Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain to sign the building permit as agent of the Board. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Charter Commission

The Board discussed the mission of the Charter Commission as well as the status of the draft document with Mr. Nebenzhal. Each member provided their thoughts and comments.


Hunter’s Ridge – Landscape Plan

Mr. Lauenstein will discuss the status of the landscaping plan for Hunter’s Ridge with Mr.  Shelmerdine and determine a meeting date. Once confirmed, Mr. Lauenstein suggested a notice be sent to the abutters regarding the meeting. Mr. O’Cain will provide the abutter mailing labels.




Brickstone Public Hearing

Mr. Lauenstein reported that he attended the July 14th, 2009 Board of Selectmen’s  meeting regarding Brickstone at the SHS library and thought the Planning Board would need to convene a hearing for the Town Meeting articles. He will contact Roni Thaler for further information.


Meeting Minutes

·         Ms. Price moved to approve the minutes of 6/3/09 as amended. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.

·         Ms. Price moved to approve the minutes of 6/17/09 as amended. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.

·         Ms. Price moved to approve the minutes of 7/8/09 as amended. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-1 in favor. (Mr. Milowe abstained due to missing 45 minutes of the meeting).

·         Approval of the 7/22/09 minutes was deferred until next meeting.

·         Ms. Price moved to approve the minutes of 7/28/09 as amended. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-1 in favor. (Mr. Milowe abstained).


Other Business

Mr. O’Cain requested that the fees stated in the Planning Board regulations be reviewed at a future Planning Board meeting.



Mr. Hauser moved to close the Planning Board meeting at 10:00 PM. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.